Right after Max was born, I heard someone say
"The days are long, but the years are short."
While we haven't reached the year mark yet, the months sure are flying by!
It's hard to believe that Max has been outside my tummy longer than he was in it. :)
This morning's well check at the pediatrician was very short and sweet - just like we like it!
Little man weighed in at 19 pounds, 13 ounces and measured 29.75 inches long.
The doctor did, however, find that Max has another ear infection,
so we're going at it with the antibiotics yet again. Poor kid. :(
But other than the allergy issues and ear infection, our little man is growing right on schedule.
He is still nursing 4 times a day, and eating 3 meals a day plus some finger foods at dinner with us.
Max has added yogurt, black beans, and canteloupe to his repertoire this past month.
He is also enjoying the independence of finger foods - diced cooked carrots and peas,
sweet potato fries, diced pears and bananas, cubes of canteloupe, and blueberry halves.
He has also (pretty much) mastered holding the sippy cup on his own to get a drink.
Little man now has eight teeth, so I'm more confident in trying new finger foods!
Max sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes two 1.5 hour (usually) naps during the day.
With the daylight savings change, it has pushed his schedule back a bit - but we're not complaining!
Max is a man on the move, for sure! He is cruising around pretty well and pulling up on everything.
And when he finds something he can climb up on (the folded-up pack n play or stairs), he's going to take that opportunity! He is getting more and more confident with his balance and will often hold onto things with only one hand. Yikes.
He loves to explore the house and finds all kinds of mischief to get into.
Now that Max is a faster crawler, I really have to watch him!
He loves pulling the magazines off the rack, taking clothes out of his laundry basket,
and pulling things out of the drawer under his crib - just to name a few.
Max enjoys jumping in his jumperoo, going on walks with Mommy,
and knocking down anything that's stacked.
He still enjoys storytime and insists on turning the pages himself (even if it's in the wrong direction).
Music is another of Max's loves. He enjoys bouncing (dancing) to the beat and
clapping his hands when prompted.
When I hear Clay's scooter in the driveway and say, "Daddy's home!"
Max will look around the room to find him. So cute.
We cannot believe the joys (and challenges!) that Max brings into our lives.
But we wouldn't have it any other way. :)
8 teeth?!? woah.
A VERY busy time for Max and his mom! He is such a cutie....love the pictures! I hear Mini had a very good time seeing ya'll!
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