09 March 2011

Catching Up

A lot has happened since the Lemon-Zucchini Cornmeal Cookies. (As my sister said, "Enough with the cornmeal cookies. Show me some belly pics!" Never mind that she was standing in front of me and looking at my belly.) So although this post doesn't contain any belly pics, you will find out exactly what has been keeping me away from the computer...

First of all, I have finally finished volunteer training at work! No more crazy schedules - at least for a while! Preparations for our 15th Annual Victory Over Violence Walk/ Run are revving up, so I have a feeling that more odd hours are on the horizon. But for now, I shall revel in the normalcy. :)

Lately, my nesting instinct has been operating in overdrive. I have been cleaning out every closet, drawer, and cabinet in our house, streamlining the possessions we currently have and trying to make room for all the new baby things that will soon invade those spaces. Because we only have four rooms in our house (well, technically five, but you can't really stack much in the bathroom), our nursery currently looks like this:

Just keepin' it real, folks.

You would think that 1100 square feet wouldn't hold that much stuff...but then you would be wrong. Apparently there is a lot more to get rid of than I thought! (This will probably be a work in progress for several more weeks, unfortunately.) Hopefully the baby furniture will arrive soon and help move things along. :)

A week ago Sunday we went to see the Ten Tenors at Bass Hall. And we liked it. Of all the shows coming this season to Bass and Casa, this was one that both Clay and I weren't too sure about. I mean, I love a talented musician - but several hours of straight singing? I was a little skeptical. But this group of Aussies sure kept us entertained! Their rendition of Bohemian Rhaposdy was particularly charming. We would definitely recommend.

My dear, sweet mother-in-law sent me an email last week reminding me that there were only 100 days left in my pregnancy. Yikes! It is hard to believe that almost three months from now, I will be holding Baby Rich in my arms.

On Friday, I came home to find that there were large holes surrounded by orange fencing up and down one side of our street. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the seismic testing that's been going on or if it's got something to do with the impending street construction. Either way, I have a feeling we'll be modifying our daily routines here shortly. Let's just hope they can finish the construction before I have to traverse giant holes with a baby carrier in tow!

All these goings-on have worn out these parents-to-be. That's why the hubs and I will be taking a little babymoon to a secluded ranch near Weatherford this coming weekend. Hopefully I'll return with a little more energy - and post some belly pics!

Catch you on the flip side. ;)

1 comment:

Jenna Wachtmann said...

Yah for a new post! Have fun on your trip!!