27 May 2013

31-32-33-34 Weeks

Here is the bump at 31, 32, 33, and 34 weeks:

You'll notice I had to move to two pictures per frame as the belly just wouldn't fit otherwise!

Over the past few weeks, I have had several people comment 
that they didn't realize I was pregnant. (With this bump?!!!) 
I'm not exactly sure how to take that...

How far along? 34 weeks and 3 days.

How big is the baby? The size of a pineapple, 
about 20 inches long and 5 pounds.

Are you in maternity clothes? I'm getting to that fun stage
where only a handful of even my maternity clothes fit comfortably. :/

How do you feel physically? It is getting really difficult to bend over,
which apparently I do a lot (something about picking up toys...).

Sleep? I vacillate between fighting off insomnia 
(you might get an email from me at 2am...) and feeling like a zombie.
Miss anything? Energy!

Feeling movement of the baby? Oh yes. Sometimes I think
this kiddo is going to bust out my belly button!
Baby Brother also likes to move around a lot at night,
which is another reason I haven't been sleeping well.

Food cravings? I am also getting to that fun stage
where Baby Brother is crowding out my stomach
so I feel like I'm not eating much - though I'm probably snacking more
throughout the day.

Gender of the baby? Boy :)
Mood/ thoughts? I have a friend who was due about 3 weeks before me
who had her baby one week ago. Talk about a reality check!
(Fingers crossed I do not deliver that early.)
The realization that this baby could be here any day
has definitely triggered some freak-out moments.
(Hence the crazy nesting frenzy, as my husband will attest.)

I am also savoring these moments as a family of three -
such a precious time with Max.
But I am definitely excited to see how he is as a big brother!


Stephanie said...

You look great! I can't wait to meet him (& find out his NAME!)

Mary Kay said...

You are so beautiful! Can't get over how well pregnancy looks on you! :) It is coming fast but you are doing what is important and savoring these days as a family of three but it will be just as sweet as four! You will be one loved mommy!!!

Ashley said...

You look so beautiful!!! I hope you continue to feel fairly well & keep enjoying these last few weeks as a family of three!! Can't wait to hear he has arrived! You are such a good little momma!

Brittnie said...

I agree with Ashley and Mary Kay, you look beautiful! Your pregnancy seems to be flying by! But probably more so for me across the computer screen, and not for you. . . since you're the one actually carrying the baby haha! Can't wait to "meet" him.

Katie Allen said...

You look beautiful! I'm hoping you get some more sleep soon.