16 February 2014

Happy Heart Day

A little Valentine greeting from our moustachioed boys...

We enjoyed a lovely red dinner with Clay's family in Abilene
on Valentine's Day. So fun!

(Please excuse the warped faces - it was hard not to move while we took a panoramic pic on the iPhone.)

Heart Day also seems an appropriate time
for an update on Max's heart. :)

We went for a checkup with his cardiologist in December
where they did x-rays, an echo and EKG.
Max's sternum was almost completely fused back together
and his incision was healing really nicely.
The doctor did notice a small flap of tissue
right above where the membrane was removed.
He said it is very possible that the tissue in Max's heart
is just settling after the operation -
and it's also very possible that the surgeon
wasn't able to remove all of the membrane.
We will go back in June to check things again.

So for now, we will celebrate the healing of Max's heart
and all the love in our lives!



karen said...

hearts have such a special meaning/symbol of GOD's love to me....this (max's surgery) is one more reason.
so glad we got to celebrate heart day with y'all!

bethany said...

So glad to hear that Max is doing so well! We're praying for continued healing for his heart.