11 February 2012

Photo A Day and Other Fun

Seven: (Belly) button

Eight: Sun(glasses)
(It was really cloudy that day.)

Nine: Front door

Ten: Self-portrait

Eleven: Makes me happy

A hot cup of tea and a new magazine to read :)

 So I've decided that in an effort to reclaim my blog from daily picture-taking (especially since I'm planning to do this all year), you can just view my Photo A Day challenge pics through my Instagram account on this website (or if you have the app on your phone, you can follow mrsrich!).
I may even figure out how to add a fancy button on the sidebar. :)

In other news, Clay has started a new job with Quicksilver Resources as the Financial Reporting Manager. (His first day was almost a month ago, but I never got around to posting about it.) His office is located in downtown Fort Worth, so he gets to ride the scooter to work most days - when the weather is nice. It's also nice that he works so close to home that he can join Max and I for lunch some days. :)

Little man is really moving these days and exploring EVERYTHING!
He loves to make laps around our little house, and I often find him in interesting new places.

 (the bathroom?)

(under the kitchen table?)

His new favorite thing is to pull up on just about anything he can get his hands on - even the wall (which is pretty funny to watch). Despite my best efforts, my little adventurer still sees his share of tumbles - and quite a few resulting bruises and scratches:

I have a feeling this will only get worse as he gets older!

Little man has FINALLY sprouted tooth #3! We have been saying for what seems like the last three months that his top teeth would be popping through any day - and now the third tooth has finally made its presence known. I have a feeling #4 is not too far behind...

So I have finally stopped tracking Max's every move on BabyTimer for my iPhone -
which is a huge step for this helicopter mama! I guess it was mostly out of habit that I kept tracking his naps and meals...but if I'm honest with myself, it was more likely a result of my OCD tendencies. So we're celebrating the small victories in our household today with a farewell to BabyTimer!

I got my TOMS ballet flats in the mail yesterday. (Happy dance!)
I had been anxiously awaiting their debut - and saving up some birthday/ Christmas money for the occasion. :) Can't wait to wear them soon!

 In the words of Al Roker, that's what's happening in our neck of the woods. ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love your self portrait---you are such a lovely lady!!!
    Also those BIG eyes on that little one melt my heart!!!
    And sadly but true...tumbles and boys just go together!

  3. Max is super cute!! I agree, his big eyes are precious! I guess the bumps and bruises are just a part of growing and learning to move, but it doesn't make it any easier on Mama:) Congrats on Clay's new job!

  4. LOVE your Toms flats - you picked a beautiful color!

  5. I sure do miss that cute little boy! And you and Clay too! Love all the pictures!
